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Graduation Ceremony

Our Mission and Goals

Goals: Projects


It shall be the mission of the Greater Education Council of Connecticut (GECC) to facilitate, coordinate, and communicate a united statewide effort to educate, expose and prevent the woke indoctrination and sexualization of all children in the educational system of the State of Connecticut; to protect the individual dignity of our children by supporting and codifying their Constitutional right to an education free from ideological or political indoctrination; to recenter public education concerning race relations around Dr. Martin Luther King's dream of a colorblind society where all children will be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin; and to ensure that an unrestricted right to school choice is available to all parents.


1. Education Transparency

We will insist that each Connecticut school district announce, publicize, videorecord, and make available for public scrutiny all professional training programs and materials provided to teachers, support staff, and administrators. Furthermore, we will request that any parent, guardian, or concerned taxpayer be allowed to observe any professional training session upon application and/or be provided with any training materials or resources used during these professional training sessions.

2. Parental Rights

We will inform parents about the indoctrination of their children via the school curriculum, empower parents to become involved in their children’s education, and motivate them to demand transparency about what is being taught in the classroom. Furthermore, we will introduce education transparency and parental rights legislation in the Connecticut General Assembly.

3. Right of Opting Out

We will ensure that parents exercise their power to “opt their children out of,” that is, remove them from, individual classes, activities, assignments, and projects which they deem to be religiously intolerant, sexually inappropriate, morally repugnant, or marked by woke indoctrination. To achieve this goal, we will provide model Parental Consent forms which parents may use in all Connecticut school districts.

4. School Choice

We will strive to ensure that parents have the freedom to choose the most appropriate school for their child. School choice must be available to all students in Connecticut public schools. The best school choice plan is one in which “the money follows the child.” This plan would give parents a voucher equal to the per pupil cost for elementary, middle, or high school education in their current school district. These vouchers would allow parents to homeschool their children, or to send them to a public, private, or religious school of their choice.

5. Statewide Coordination

We will develop a contact list for all the groups currently fighting school battles within Connecticut. We will enlist and mobilize like-minded supporters, and promote events and projects throughout the State of Connecticut.

6. Assurance of School Safety

We will demand that every Connecticut school district comply with current State school safety laws and regulations. In addition, we will demand that each school district adopt, and keep current, individual school safety climate plans for each school in the district, which include threat assessment procedures and plans to deal with active school shooters. We will inform the public that school safety regulations on the state level are in violation of Article Eighth (Of Education), Section 4, along with Article Tenth (Of Home Rule) of the Constitution of the State of Connecticut. Therefore, according to Constitutional law, such plans may be implemented only on the local or regional level, and only by local or regional authorities.

7. Engagement in Political Action

We will identify, recruit, and campaign to elect candidates for local, state, and national office who have pledged to end the woke indoctrination of children within our education system. Our goal is to restore to our schools traditional American education, which embraces family values, truth, exceptionalism, meritocracy, equal opportunity, patriotism, free-market capitalism, color blindness in race relations, and love and respect for our  country and its founding documents.

8. Encouragement of Public Awareness

We will alert the citizens of Connecticut of the extreme dangers posed by the many forms of Marxist woke indoctrination taking place in our public and private schools. To that end, we will sponsor speakers and debates, produce videos, put on presentations, conduct surveys, and publish newsletters and editorials to expose the politicization of our school systems and the political agendas that have accompanied them.

9. Elimination of Indoctrination

We will work tirelessly to abolish all ideological indoctrination, including its manifestations in Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), Critical Race Theory (CRT), and Social Emotional Learning (SEL), which have transformed our public schools into battlegrounds of ideological indoctrination. CSE promotes a worldview utterly hostile to past generations of Americans, with the goals of advancing gender ideology and sexualizing children in K-12 schools, destroying the nuclear family, and undermining parental authority. Manifestations of CSE include all-gender bathrooms, preferred gender pronouns, “gender affirming” care for children without parental notification, normalization of graphic sexual content in books and other educational media, and the intrusion of biological men into women’s sports. CRT teaches our children to look for systemic and institutional racism in every conversation, every interaction, and every subject in school. It advocates a race conscious approach to education, as opposed to a colorblind approach. SEL is the vehicle by which this indoctrination infiltrates the school curriculum and marginalizes the role of parents in their children’s education. We must remove CSE, CRT, SEL, and their ilk from our education system.

10. Restoration of Academic Excellence

We intend to restore to public education the traditional American curriculum of academic subjects, which includes reading, writing, foreign languages, math, science, American and world history, civics, economics, the arts, and technology. We will not allow students to be used as subjects for invasive data mining that seeks to assign them a social score that can be used for college recommendations, future employment, etc., and that will follow them throughout their life. We know that such social scoring is the means by which the Communist “People’s Republic of China” controls its citizens. Furthermore, we will not allow Environmental, Social Justice, and Governmental (ESG) of data mining of our children under any circumstance, or under any other appellation. The GECC will expose and stop this data mining and indoctrination in every school district in which it arises. We will oppose all Marxist ideological indoctrination programs, such as “Portrait of a Graduate” (POG). These programs require only that students graduate with ambiguous and unmeasurable woke “competencies,” such as becoming Global Citizens, Responsible Collaborators, and Critical Thinkers. These programs do not require that students become proficient in traditional academic disciplines.

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