Greater Education Council of Connecticut
Protecting the Students
In the News
GECC Interviews
The GECC is in the process of conducting a number of enlightening interviews with prominent people around Connecticut to discuss the state of our education system.
Guilford Methadone Clinic News
There is now a website -- -- dedicated specifically to the opposition to the methadone clinic’s location. The GECC took the initiative to get the ball rolling on this critical issue since it affects the quality of life in Guilford, including, but not limited to, a nearby childcare center and other nearby businesses and neighborhoods. However, we are now turning this issue over to the group dedicated to the relocation of the methadone clinic. Its website is:
Please go there for further information regarding what YOU can do and to sign online petitions against the methadone clinic’s location.
Education Statute Discussion
GECC sponsored a well-attended discussion on a proposed education statute.
Speakers: Rob Sampson, Armand Fusco, and Bob MacGuffie.
It shall be the mission of the Greater Education Council of Connecticut (GECC) to facilitate, coordinate, and communicate a united statewide effort to educate, expose and prevent the woke indoctrination and sexualization of all children in the educational system of the State of Connecticut; to protect the individual dignity of our children by supporting and codifying their Constitutional right to an education free from ideological or political indoctrination; to recenter public education concerning race relations around Dr. Martin Luther King's dream of a colorblind society where all children will be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin; and to ensure that an unrestricted right to school choice is available to all parents.