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Greater Education Council of Connecticut

Protecting the Students

In the News


GECC Interviews

​The GECC is in the process of conducting a number of enlightening interviews with prominent people around Connecticut to discuss the state of our education system.

See interviews here.


"Killing America" Documentary and Q & A

The GECC screened the documentary "Killing America: Can the Nations Schools Be Saved" on October 4, 2024 at the Guilford Community Center, followed by a Q&A session with Dr. Diana Blum, and heard presentations by Hank Kopel and Armand Fusco.


Link the event:

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It shall be the mission of the Greater Education Council of Connecticut (GECC) to facilitate, coordinate, and communicate a united statewide effort to educate, expose and prevent the woke indoctrination and sexualization of all children in the educational system of the State of Connecticut; to protect the individual dignity of our children by supporting and codifying their Constitutional right to an education free from ideological or political indoctrination; to recenter public education concerning race relations around Dr. Martin Luther King's dream of a colorblind society where all children will be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin; and to ensure that an unrestricted right to school choice is available to all parents.

In the Classroom

Where Can I Learn More?

We have loads of resources to help you to:

  • Learn more about our cause,

  • Find useful information to help you in your fight,

  • Discover other like-minded groups and individuals.

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